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Summer school -2018: Overwhelming response

The discussions on Space,Time,Purpose and meaning of life and consciousness during the school has involved various presentations on scientific evolution and elaboration on Newton’s Space and time,Einstein’s space and time,importance of understanding the space and time to lead to proper exploration of matter and reality,Various perceptions of time,scientific,philosophical and spiritual explorations of time.
Delegates have appreciated that from the discussions they have been exposed to new dimension (spiritual dimension) to explore the scientific understandings and breakthroughs of space and time,got the best direction to understand the absolute reality through the conceptual understanding of Space & Time.T hey have expressed that the very idea of synthesis of science and spirituality is very brilliant and magnificent, and new meaningful path in our journey towards the Reality. One of the delegate commented that “Spirituality should be partner in new science”. Discussions on exploration of reality through synthesis of science and spirituality adds completeness to the exploration. They felt completeness and effectivity of the discussions to understand the reality by invoking spirituality into the discussions. They got impressed by the correlations between science and spirituality,experienced the completeness and effectivity of involving spirituality in understanding science.The involvement of consciousness in understanding the scientific phenomena could be a valuable idea in approaching reality.They expressed that they would be very thankful to Bhaktivedanta institute for projecting and giving platform to cultivate the higher dimension of exploration of reality through synthesis of science and spirituality.Many of them even expressed to be a part of the future discussions on Science and spirituality and to support the future events and discussions on Science and Spirituality Incorporating the spiritual part is the main attraction.
They have added that involving the tours and fun activities made the summer school more joyful.Tours has made them to discover new places and expose themselves to different culture and people.They have expressed that the discussions on scientific aspects,perception mechanisms and spiritual aspects of time have made them understand and realize the importance of time in understanding the reality and our lives also.The delegates expressed that they got inspired to learn more about spiritual aspects. Joining the hands of science and spirituality adds peace to the society by incorporating the society with high moral and ethical values.The sessions invoked the delegates mind with the concepts of multidimensionality. Deeper explorations on Space and time have made people to think over their conception and perception of time which lives with us every moment as the best loving part of nature.That our quest of scientific search is incomplete without spirituality.


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